• Soweto also has a cultural, music and social scene that is all its own and soccer in particular is a huge obsession for the many exuberant fans of Soweto's...
  • Соуэто или Сувето (Suweto) — одно из первоначальных поселений колонистов в провинции Дельта на Южном континенте.
  • И хотя трущобы городов Соуэто, родины борьбы нации за демократию, все еще резко контрастируют с обнесенными стеной богатыми особняками и...
  • The Soweto township in Johannesburg, Gauteng, is one of the most popular and well-known tourist attractions in South Africa.
  • Today Soweto is made up of 29 townships and is around 40 square miles, it has more than 2 million inhabitants and is where 40% of Johannesburg’s population...
  • To us, viewing Soweto without windowed barriers and at a leisurely, friendly pace was the ideal way to travel and was far superior to any Soweto tour bus.
  • Soweto is largely known to the outside world for being a poor South African slum that the late Nelson Mandela lived.
  • Soweto South Africa is the cultural heart of Johannesburg with more than a dash of Nelson Mandela history.
  • Soweto has a fascinating history and is home to a diverse array of people of all income levels and ethnicities.
  • Today Soweto has risen from the ashes of apartheid to become a thriving powerhouse in South Africa’s economic landscape.