• Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453, while in the twentieth century, Orthodoxy in Russia and Eastern Europe endured under Communist rule, suffering...
  • Origin of Eastern Orthodoxy. Officially, EO split from Roman Catholicism in 1054—though a rift occurred as early as the fourth century, when Constantine relocated...
  • At the outset we can discern at least one basic difference between Eastern Christianity and most of Western—their differing uses of the word orthodoxy.
  • Worldwide, the Eastern Orthodox Church is estimated to have between 200 and 300 million members. ... Eastern Orthodoxy (MP3), by David Calhoun.
  • Relations between Eastern Orthodoxy and Judaism, like relations between Judaism and other Christian bodies, have been difficult at times.[1] However...
  • < > Recent Featured Videos and Articles. EasternOrthodoxy” Refuted. How To Avoid Sin. The Antichrist Identified!
  • The honorary head of Eastern Orthodoxy is the patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey), who holds no jurisdiction over the church as a whole.
  • Michael Lofton covers the new schism in Eastern Orthodoxy and Orthodoxy’s first deaconess.
  • When the papacy defined itself as infallible (First Vatican Council, 1870 AD), the gulf between East and West grew wider. ... full church of eastern orthodoxy.
  • The Eastern Orthodox Church teaches a false gospel and promotes idolatry in its adoration of Mary. ... https://ww1.antiochian.org/icons-eastern-orthodoxy.