• It was commissioned by a man named Wang Jie to honor his parents, according to an inscription on the scroll, though little else is known about who Wang was...
  • Alman tüccar Friedrich Friele Gensfleisch'in (daha sonra 1410 civarında zum Gutenberg soyadını alacaktı) ve karısı Else Wirich'in oğluydu.
  • Johannes Gutenberg wurde um 1400 als drittes Kind des Patriziers und Kaufmanns Friedrich (Friele) Gensfleisch und dessen zweiter Frau Else Wirich...
  • genitori: Friele Gensfleisch e Else Wirich. Morto: 3 febbraio 1468 a Magonza, in Germania.
  • Else Wirich is also his mother’s name. As a result, we know relatively little about Johannes Gutenberg’s early life.
  • Él era el hijo más joven de Friele Gensfleisch zur Laden y Else Wirich, una familia de clase alta.
  • Else Wirich was the daughter of a shopkeeper, whose family had once been of the noble classes.
  • Die Anfänge der Geschichte des Buchdrucks sind in Ostasien, Babylon und Rom zu finden.
  • Johannes Gutenberg's parents were Else Wirich Gutenberg and Friele Gensfleisch.