• enwiki Memorial to Victims of Stalinist Repression. eswiki Memorial a las víctimas de las deportaciones del régimen comunista.
  • This time last year, in a video blog on the day that commemorates the victims of Soviet repression, President Medvedev impressed on the Russian people the...
  • A bust of Joseph Stalin was installed on the territory of the complex in memory of victims of repression “Mednoye” in the Tula region.
  • This modest memorial lists the dozens of Sochi residents who perished in Stalin-era purges.
  • But late last year, two Russian courts ruled that two of Memorial’s organizations — one that researches the victims of Stalinist terror, and one that promotes...
  • The 1999 resolution led directly to the opening of the Museum of the Victims of Repression. The museum is located in the new Martyrs' Memorial...
  • In other words, it was an act of vandalism, targeting a memorial for victims of the Stalinist Terror. During the Stalinist repressions, a large number of...
  • ...Institute for Development of Freedom of Information organized symbolic demonstration to honor the memory of victims of 1937-38 Stalin repressions.