• Santa Cova Baroque, neoclassicism and modernism in a unique ensemble.
  • Without a doubt one of Montserrat’s most intriguing and mystical sites is the Santa Cova.
  • El camino que baja del Monasterio de Montserrat a la Santa Cova es un camino amplio y empedrado y bastante corto, apto para ser recorrido por personas de...
  • Un dels itineraris típics a fer per Montserrat és fer el camí de la Santa Cova , on segons la llegenda uns pastors van trobar una imatge de...
  • 3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
  • From there, you can also explore the Montserrat Mountains more using funiculars Sant Joan and Santa Cova, which will take you to other parts of the mountain.
  • Santa Cova Chapel, also known as "Chapel of the Holy Grotto", is situated close to the Montserrat Monastery. It can only be accessed using the cable car from the Montserrat...
  • Restaurant Montserrat is a large self-service restaurant located in a modern building located near the coach park, with panoramic views of the Santa Cova and...
  • From there, in addition, you will be able to travel on the Sant Joan and Santa Cova funiculars to access unique places to enjoy the natural Montserrat...