• Orthodox Eastern Church / (frequently spoken of as “the Greek Church,” and described officially as “The Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern Church”).
  • In the Eastern Orthodox Church a saint is defined as anyone who is currently in Heaven, whether recognized here on earth or not.
  • Andrew Stephen Damick lists 5 differences between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church – can you think of any more?
  • The veneration and miraculous nature of relics continues from Biblical times. Eschatology. The doctrine of the Eastern Orthodox Church is amillennialist.
  • I’m a Baptist attending a Catholic high school who would like to learn more about the Eastern Orthodox Church. How should I go about doing that?
  • To apprehend the special significance of the saint's image in the Eastern Orthodox Church we must consider the iconoclastic struggle.
  • A more substantive disagreement between Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox concerns the role of the pope and the ecumenical councils in the Church.
  • Benjamin Cabe is an Eastern Orthodox Christian who aspires to learn from, and write within the framework of, the teachings of the Church Fathers.
  • According to Mead's Handbook of Denominations, The Greek Eastern Orthodox Church formed in 1054 when it split from the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Several other ancient churches in Eastern Europe, Western Asia and North Africa also use Orthodox, but are distinct from the Orthodox Church as described in...