• Depicting architectural visualizations of the future is no easy feat, so it makes much sense for designers to use aspects of our existing architecture as a...
  • Architecturally and as a display of power, it was a success. But as an attempt to create a dynamic urban centre, Brasília was a failure. The future of architecture.
  • Future environmental and climate security can only be ensured by incorporating economic considerations into all aspects of the architecture industry.
  • As the closing act of the first pan-European architecture platform Future Architecture, we are pleased to announce the Future Architecture Book.
  • Preventing the obsolescence of architecture and making it more flexible is the future of Architecture.
  • But are we loyal to the global needs? Does our lifestyle impact the global crisis? Can the future of architecture redefine itself for earthly needs?
  • Now looking at the projects of the future architectural designs we can see how the modern architecture has evolved in so many different ways.
  • The point: The future of architecture isn't about one trend. It's about a hundred---if not a thousand---different things. The Casual Critic.
  • Additionally, as technology advances and will progress even further in the future, we can expect these changes to mirror the digitalization of architecture too.
  • Materials like mud and adobe have been used since the beginning of civilization. The architecture of the future has taken inspiration from the past.