• If all you want to do is run Qt applications, or write your own application with Qt, then Qt/Embedded Linux is probably what you want.
  • This leads to the second video where I set up a full toolchain for Qt application development under embedded Linux (Qt for embedded devices).
  • Note: If you want to build Qt for Embedded Linux for use with a virtual framebuffer, pass the -qvfb option to the configure script.
  • no-cups -no-dbus -embedded arm -platform linux-g++ -little-endian -qt-freetype -no-opengl -no-glib -nomake demos -nomake examples -nomake docs...
  • Qt is also a great choice for embedded Linux system. ... It is very easy to configure QT for embedded Linux system using buildroot. Open the configuration menu
  • tar xf qt-embedded-version-commercial.tar # unpack it. ... To run Qt/Embedded, you need write access to the framebuffer device /dev/fb0.
  • Explore cross-compiling Qt applications for embedded Linux with Toradex & Qt Creator. Deploy using Boot to Qt or OpenEmbedded layers on Toradex modules.
  • Qt will automatically detect prerendered fonts and TrueType fonts. Forrester Total Economic Impact™ of Qt Embedded Software Development.
  • Embedded Development with Qt5 from scratch! Develop and run your own Qt applications on a Raspberry Pi in less than two hours!
  • Download the qt embedded source and expand it on your working directory, e.g., /home/user/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.3.