• Start, stop, and restart Nginx are the most common tasks you will need to perform if managing an Nginx server. Do it the EASY way with this guide.
  • Nginx is a dedicated web server that has solved efficiency issues and provided us with an optimum way to handle 1000s of requests concurrently.
  • With Nginx, one master process can control multiple worker processes. The master maintains the worker processes, while the workers do the actual processing.
  • If you didn't change it, it defaults to /usr/local/nginx. You can find the parameters nginx was compiled with via nginx -V, it lists --prefix as the first one.
  • The NGINX check pulls metrics from a local NGINX status endpoint, so your nginx binaries need to be compiled with a NGINX status module
  • In this guide on how to configure NGINX, we’ll explore the essentials of NGINX to help you understand how it works and what benefits it offers.
  • We can use if statements and variables to control how a request is routed within NGINX. Here’s a simple example of what we’re talking about
  • This quick tutorial shows you how to setup PHP and Nginx on Ubuntu Linux with the fastCGI process manager (PHP-FPM) configured as Nginx’s PHP engine.
  • While the LAMP stack (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP) is very popular for powering WordPress, it is also possible to use Nginx.
  • Created site configuration files will be placed in the sites-available folder that under the Nginx configuration folder (auto-detected).