• Additionally, Jest offers functions for test suites, test cases, and assertions. React Testing Library provides virtual DOMs for testing React components.
  • We also want to use Testing Library. It's an amazing tool which helps us to write much less code while testing React components.
  • React Testing Library provides you with several methods to find an element by specific attributes in addition to the getByText() method above
  • Now that we have the basics of React Testing Library covered, it's time to move on to firing events to see how to trigger and test click events.
  • This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to React Testing Library, a powerful tool for testing React components and hooks.
  • react-testing-library. The library emoji is the goat. ... The react-testing-library is a very light-weight solution for testing React components.
  • Learn which are the top testing libraries and frameworks for React in 2023, and pick the best suited for your testing requirements and business needs.
  • The React Testing Library (RTL) lets you test your React components in their natural habitat, that is, in the DOM.
  • React Testing Library is a JavaScript testing utility designed to help developers test React components in a user-centric way.
  • It's built on top of testing-library , which has various integrations besides React , namely Angular , Vue , puppeteer , webDriverIO , Cypress , etc.