• 2.2. Using the npm install Command to Update Node.js. Similarly, we can use the install command with npm to bring select packages up to their latest versions
  • Updating NPM (Node Package Manager) is a straightforward process, and one of the most convenient methods is using NPM itself.
  • Use npm outdate and npm update to check for and update to newer versions of your installed node modules using npm's built-in commands.. npm outdated.
  • As of npm@2.6.1, the npm update only inspects top-level packages. Prior versions of npm recursively inspects all dependencies.
  • Learn NPM how to update package in this complete guide. Article covers all important details of npm update package to latest.
  • If NPM is unable to update because it is not installed, you can install it first by running the command: sudo apt-get install -y npm.
  • The npm update command allows you to update the npm version of all the packages listed below to the latest version, respecting server
  • $ npm install -g npm. Alternatively, to update [.inline-code]npm[.inline-code] to a specific version, you can use the following syntax instead
  • In this article, we've seen how to update Node and NPM to their latest versions. To reiterate, when you install Node, you automatically get NPM.
  • The npm update command allows you to update any out-of-date packages, according to your package.json versions.