• Everything else should be either a simple class or a mock. Mockito now seems to be the dominant Mocking framework in Java, and is now in its second version.
  • The Mockito framework assists this process by using mock objects in a natural easy-to-use way without creating "noise" that interferes with effective testing.
  • Initialize Mockito mock objects in JUnit 5 using MockitoExtension, MockitoAnnotations#initMocks, or Mockito#mock.
  • Mockito is a java Mocking framework that aims at providing the ability to write clean an readable unit tests by using it’s simple API.
  • Web Site: https://github.com/mockito/mockito Version Tested: Mockito 1.9.0 on Linux with Java 1.6.0_26 License & Pricing: Open Source (MIT License).
  • Using Mockito, you’ll be able to isolate the code you want to test from the behavior or state of external dependencies without coding details of the dependency.
  • Learn mocking with Mockito - A comprehensive Mockito Tutorial for beginners with code examples. Learn Mocking Framework for Mocking in Unit Testing.
  • 90% use case is that you want to stub out a side effect. from mockito import when, mock, unstub. when(os.path).exists('/foo').thenReturn(True) #.
  • Mockito is a great framework for testing in java. I use it all the time and have done for many years now.
  • Test public void testDoSomething(){. MyService mock = Mockito.mock(MyService.class); int i = mock.doSomething(); Assert.assertEquals(i, 0)