• The Simplest Way to Use CMake. Since CMake is a tool that’s meant to aid you in building your applications, you need to have an application to begin with.
  • When a program (or translation-unit) uses the HIP API without compiling any GPU device code, HIP can be treated in CMake as a simple C/C++ library.
  • This page discusses how to use CMake with the NDK via the Android Gradle Plugin's ExternalNativeBuild or when invoking CMake directly.
  • At siliceum, we decided to use CMake for our C++ based projects. There are many (relatively) new (meta) buildsystems around lately such as build2 or meson.
  • There is no point in continuing if CMake cannot locate the module, so we do set the REQUIRED flag to let CMake abort in this case.
  • Step by step, you will learn the basics of CMake as a build system, along with CMake-specific IDE settings and actions.
  • Kitware created the suite of CMake tools in response to the need for a powerful, cross-platform build environment for open-source projects such as ITK and VTK.
  • This article provides an introduction to CMake through a series of examples to help you, as VC++ developers, to create and maintain CMake projects.
  • cmake --find-package <options>... DESCRIPTION. The "cmake" executable is the CMake command-line interface. It may be used to configure.
  • In certain cases(mostly of small projects), I would rather say CMake build files take shorter lines than my older makefiles.