• An open source Git extension for versioning large files. Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics...
  • Git Bash is an application for Microsoft Windows environments that provides an emulation layer for a Git command line experience.
  • Git Tutorial: How to Use Git {Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide}. Follow the steps below to get started using Git.
  • Git for Windows focuses on offering a lightweight, native set of tools that bring the full feature set of the Git SCM to Windows while providing appropriate user...
  • In this section, we've compiled an overview of the most important Git commands and their most common use cases.
  • The most popular VCS (at least among web developers) is Git, along with GitHub, a site that provides hosting for your repositories and several tools for working...
  • Developers should familiarize themselves with Git by reading the Git Documentation or traversing through a Git tutorial.
  • You can test the differences out with something like this (note that for Git version 2.x your output for git add . git status will be different)
  • This tutorial will explain what GitHub is used for and the differences between Git and GitHub. Let’s dive into the Git vs GitHub discussion in more detail.
  • For our project, we'll make a to-do list written in a text (txt) file. You will see how we can use the features of Git to work on and create a final version of the list.