• In 2003, Kochan wrote Programming in Objective-C (Sams, 2003), and followed that with another Mac-related title, Beginning AppleScript (Wiley, 2004).
  • In 1986, Cox published the main description of Objective-C in its original form in the book Object-Oriented Programming, An Evolutionary Approach.
  • Contents. About . 1 Chapter 1: Getting started with Objective-C Language . 2.
  • Objective-C is the programming language that is used to write applications for Apple’s iOS and OS X operating systems.
  • This article will introduce Objective-C’s basic programming grammar, code structure and commonly used classes with examples.
  • This article will introduce you to what is Objective-C and in the help you understand the concept in detail with a programmatic explanation.
  • Software requirements
    • about the cover illustration
    • Part 1—Getting started with Objective-C
  • Objective-C is known as an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language. OOP is a way of constructing software application composed of objects.
  • Also, COM programming is useful since Objective-C objects are similar to IUnknown, so basic COM knowledge will be helpful (but not required).
  • Polymorphism can be implemented by typecasting, but it does not exist directly. Parametric polymorphism in Objective C is checked at compile time.