• Our guide today explores yet another Linux distro called Astra Linux. Astra Linux is an open source Linux distribution that is Russian based.
  • 7.3Mix Astra Linux Special Edition with Astra Linux Common Edition APT Repository.
  • Astra Linux is the Russian Debian derivative. Its structure includes many free software components and also software decisions of the Astra Linux developers...
  • https://texterra.ru/blog/obzor-astra-linux-sistemy-na-kotoroy-rabotayut-gosorgany-i-sberbank.html…
  • So distribution for personal non-commercial purposes only, the distribution kit can be used free of charge. Main new features of Astra Linux Common Edition 2.12.40.
  • The Linux distribution release “Astra Linux Common Edition 2.12.29” has just been released lwhich one is built on the basis of the Debian 9 package "Stretch"...
  • Name: Astra Linux Special Edition Type of publication: License Purpose: Operating System Developer: JSC NPO RusBITekh Link to the official release: http...
  • Astra Linux 1.7 compatibility with Basis Workplace. Compatibility with TSUP Secret Management Module - 2.0. Compatible with Visiology 2.34 and 3.5.1.
  • astralinux has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub.