• testing-library/jest-dom. Provides additional matchers in addition to those already present in Jest: import "@testing-library/jest-dom".
    • How to use testing library jest-dom with the new version React V6?
    • React app testing: Jest and React Testing Library
    • Working with DOM elements in react testing-library?
  • npm i jest @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom -D. Update package.json test scripts section with jest allowing me to run npm test.
  • //install main dependency of jest. npm i jest --. save -. dev. //Install react-testing-library packages: npm i @. ... testing-library/jest-dom'
  • npm install jest jest-environment-jsdom @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom @testing-library/user-event --save-dev //.
  • Here, the test case is provided by Jest. For rendering and accessing the virtual DOM, we import and use both render and screen from React Testing Library.
  • In the React world, there is an amazing library called the react-testing-library which helps you test your React Apps more efficiently. You use it with Jest.
  • React Testing Library is built on top of DOM Testing Library, which provides a set of tools for testing DOM nodes and events.
  • npx create-react-app jest-testing-library. ... yarn add --dev @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom. Step 3 : Install Jest dependecies.