• Specialized in Ruby and Rails. We’ve been refining RubyMine for more than 15 years to give you the best Ruby experience possible.
  • Bu yazıda sizlere Ruby dilinin temel bilgilerini, karakteristik özelliklerini ve dile giriş yapmak için birkaç kod örneğini anlatmaya çalışacağım.
  • Yakut. Ruby, Yukihiro Matsumoto tarafından 1993 yılında geliştirilmeye başlanmış, bileşenlerinin tamamı nesnelerden oluşan bir programlama dilidir.
  • 140+ Ruby Tutorials For You to Start Enjoying Now! Start improving your Ruby skills today so you can feel more confident & write better code.
  • Python'un tersine girintilerin dilin sözdiziminde bir etkisi yoktur. Ruby'nin tasarımında dikkate alınan diller Ada, Eiffel, Lisp, Perl ve Smalltalk'dur.
  • There are libraries for building all types of applications with Ruby: XML parsers, GUI bindings, networking protocols, game libraries and more.
  • Ruby 3.4 Preview 1 Released — I love it when the first preview of a new Ruby version drops. It makes it easier to get playing with the new features and reminds...
  • Getting started will show how to install and get started with Ruby in your environment. Basic Ruby demonstrates the main features of the language syntax.
  • LayerZero, as the leading omnichain interoperability protocol, helps Ruby dApps run across multiple blockchains in a trustless and efficient way.
  • Ruby on Rails is use strictly for web development. It was built for that, and it’s doing a great job at it. It’s the startup’s secret tool if you want.