• TL;DR: Apache Cordova is a good option for those who already have a web application and want to port it to the different mobile platforms.
  • Nearly two years ago I first wrote about the Cordova Browser platform (Browser as a platform for your PhoneGap/Cordova apps).
  • In the first tutorial of this introduction to Cordova, you learned about what Cordova is, how it works under the hood, and what type of apps you can build with it.
  • General guidelines and suggestions for quickly getting started with the development of Apache Cordova apps for either Android, iOS and Windows.
  • Among them, Unity, Ionic, Cordova, and React Native. Those solutions ideally allow you to develop once and run your apps on both platforms.
  • # Work environment
    • To use Cordova/Phonegap locally, you need several tools that communicate with each
    • We will discuss the configuration only for Android on Windows.
  • This article explores how one can get started with Apache Cordova and build mobile applications targeted at a wide range of mobile devices.
  • Awesome Cordova Plugins is a curated set of wrappers for Cordova plugins that make adding any native functionality you need to your Ionic mobile app easy.
  • Apache Cordova - Hello World from Android and iOS.
  • Apache Cordova online is a tool that enables users to run an Apache Cordova IDE online over an Android emulator directly from their web browser.