• Before diving into more details about gRPC and code examples, let’s first describe what synchronous communication is in relation to microservices.
  • That’s apparent with gRPC too. Compared to its peer GraphQL that has over 14k questions on StackOverflow, gRPC currently has a little under 4k.
  • Note: grpc-web is supported by package:grpc/grpc_web.dart. UDS-unix domain socket is supported with sdk version >= 2.8.0.
  • With gRPC, it's the other way around. The API contract is first defined in protobuf, then the client and server stubs are generated from that API definition.
  • Adding Istio to gRPC Kubernetes services has one pre-requisite: labeling your Kubernetes Service ports. The server’s port is labeled as follows
  • Google’s gRPC is a modern, open-source, and high-performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework. An RPC is a software communication protocol.
  • gRPC is an open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework. For a description of gRPC refer to gRPC home page.
  • Tooling support: While gRPC has good support for several programming languages, the tooling support for gRPC can be more limited than other RPC frameworks.
  • Tyk has built-in support for gRPC backends, enabling you to build rich plugins using any of the gRPC supported languages. See gRPC by language for further details.
  • You can get it here or use the pre-baked docker image jfbrandhorst/grpc-web-generators that contains all the tools needed to work with grpc-web.