• Error Code 49: Invalid Credentials can be resolved with the following steps: 1. Stop LSAService in Windows Services 2. Edit LSA config file (LSA.conf).
  • {“statusCode”:403,“error”:“Forbidden”,“message”:“Invalid credentials”}. I am passing in the JWT token retrieved from the successful login
  • I reset my password and now I get the "invalid credentials provided" message when I attempt to login, even though the password reset was confirmed successful.
  • Invalid credentials Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt. cannot spawn /c/program files/microsoft visual...
  • Typically Invalid Credentials means you are not providing the correct credentials to the server for authentication.
  • I am sorry to hear that you’re facing issues with the credentials. Are you using your email password or are you using the App Password?
  • So if i try to connect to it from a machine on a different domain, but type in the correct credentials, it fails with invalid credentials.
  • The access LOG file contains the following error message: "Invalid credentials err=49".
  • When a user makes an invalid login attempt, for example, with a wrong password, or an unregistered email address, I’d like to display the returned error message...