• The Bash shell is commonly used interactively: It lets you enter and edit commands, then executes them when you press the Return key.
  • Other # uses in Bash. The # is often used in bash to count the number of occurrences or the length of a variable. To find the length of a string
  • Bash is the GNU⁠. Project's Bourne Again SHell, a complete implementation of the IEEE POSIX and Open Group shell specification⁠.
  • Now there are a number of shell in Unix system. Among them, there is a shell called bash which is very very common Linux and it has a long history.
  • Code, create, and learn together with Bash. Code, collaborate, compile, run, share, and deploy Bash and more online from your browser.
  • This is a quick reference cheat sheet to getting started with linux bash shell scripting.
  • Advanced Bash−Scripting Guide. We will be using Bash, an acronym for "BourneAgain Shell" and a pun on Stephen Bourne's now classic Bourne Shell.
  • Variables · Functions · Interpolation · Brace expansions · Loops · Conditional execution · Command substitution · One-page guide to Bash scripting.
  • Start an interactive shell session without loading startup configs: bash --norc. Execute specific [c]ommands: bash -c "echo 'bash is executed'".