• После установки Gentoo, не забудьте указать разделы в файле /etc/fstab. Вот пример файла /etc/fstab для данной разбивки диска
  • Подготовка диска к установке Gentoo #. Перед началом установки необходимо правильно разметить диск с помощью gparted или fdisk.
  • If you decide to try Gentoo for yourself, I'd recommend doing so in a virtual machine instead of directly on your hardware.
  • I had my once a year conundrum recently – install Gentoo or Ubuntu. This year I chose Gentoo and was immediately awash with nostalgia from seeing this screen.
  • This guide will allow you to install Gentoo, whilst still leaving your computer completely free for normal everyday use.
  • I plan to install Gentoo on a usb to take the screen caps, but you can replicate it on your hard drive and follow the process with me.
  • Download 64 bit ISO and verification files: http://distfiles.gentoo.org/releases/amd64/current-iso/.
  • This guide will allow you to install Gentoo, whilst still leaving your computer completely free for normal everyday use.
  • Сегодня будем развенчивать миф о сложности установки Gentoo. Почему установка "по-русски"?
  • The very first step is to install the Gentoo chroot. There are two ways to do this: At the command prompt, type: sudo apt-get install dchroot debootstrap.