• If I use the AHK system variable A_ProgramFiles, it contains c:\Program Files. I want to create an shortcut to an installed windows program.
  • I share my pc with entire family so cannot move to correct folder C:\Program Files. Steam is lying when they said they default installed to C:\Program Files.
  • My "Common Files" folder at C:\Program Files\Common Files is over 350 MB. Can I delete it safely or do programs need it to be there?
  • ...issue on SCCM server, a rogue fileC:\Program” keeps apparing. it seems to be some sort of a log of CCMSETUP or something of a sort ( exerpt from the file ).
  • Hello, Can someone please explain me how to open C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps to see it contents? How do I fix 'This access control entry is corrupt' ?
  • I have been trying to install Microsoft Office and keep getting an error. Cannot access C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink the file directory is...
  • Genellikle Program Files ve Program Files (x86) isimlerine sahip olan bu iki klasör, Windows'un 64-bit sürümünü kullandığınızı gösteriyor.
  • There is a weird folder called ENE in my program files. I contains 7 empty folders.
  • C Files - Tutorial to learn Files in C Programming in simple, easy and step by step way with syntax, examples and notes.
  • Is there perhaps another file name that is causing the error 'C:\Program Files (x86)\user extensions\cliente.exe'? Thank you for your response.