• Hex Color Tool. 6 Digit Hex. Lighten/Darken Lighten Darken. Percentage.
  • Simple online color picker for web designers, with color values automagically available as RGB, HSL, hex, or 8-digit hex (with alpha).
  • Welcome to Color Hex Map! Get Ready to Explore a World of Color! Type in a Hex code in the above field or use the color picker to search.
  • HexColor16 provides complete information about any color: hex color codes, color spaces (RGB, CMYK, HSL and others), color schemes...
  • Here is a useful list of colors with color names and hex codes – the color dictionary! They are divided by color categories and listed alphabetically for quick…
  • Hex Color Codes. Find out new colors and information about hex colors with Hexcol.com! Check other units, shades, tints, alternatives, and much more.
  • The hex triplet is obtained by concatenating the six hexadecimal digits together, 7B3A1E in this example. If any one of the three color values is less than 10 hex...
  • Enter the color name in the search box and click search to get hex, RGB, CMYK, and other color code information.
  • You can Create, Inspire and Share amazing Color Schemes and Palettes. Select the Color HEX you want to convert and see the magic unravel
  • Hex to CMYK conversion, color scheme management and a whole lot more. Enter the color hex value you want to convert and get the magic