• We can use the CSS background property to set our background colors, images, sizes, and much more.
  • You can use CSS to control the size, position, and repeat of the background image, making it a flexible tool for creating visually attractive websites.
  • {background: url(image url) no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover ... background-size: cover; height: 100%; overflow: hidden
  • The background properties specify what color (background-color) and images (background-image) to use, and how they are sized, positioned, tiled, etc.
  • elem6"class="elem"> </div> .elem{ background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-image: url("bg.png"); border:1px solid black...
  • Setting a full-size background image with CSS3 is no problem, right? There are numerous solutions available on the internet.
  • ...background image rescale based on the container’s size */ background-size: cover; /* Set a background color that will be displayed while the background.
  • One-value syntax */ /* the width of the image (height becomes 'auto') */ background-size: 50%; background-size: 3.2em; background-size: 12px...
  • The background image size question is important because it is a balancing act of trade-offs to get the best performing and best looking site.
  • We don’t want that! The better option is to combine more properties with the background-size property to tackle this problem.