• Watchdog for ESP8266 and ESP32. This post is a quick summary of using watchdog to help deal with unexpected hang / crash. Arduino Sketch.
  • I found an example for the esp32. Maybe you could implement it in ulisp ? I was thinking of (watchdog-enable) , (watchdog-timeout ‘milliseconds’) , (watchdog-reset).
  • ...true but maybe it doesn’t apply to your case – simply using a library like AsyncTCP should not burn-and-crash your ESP32 with a watchdog timeout.
  • The ESP32 is a popular WiFi and Bluetooth-enabled microcontroller, widely used for IoT Projects... Watchdog.
  • The ESP32 has three watchdog timers: one in each of the two timer modules (called the Main Watchdog Timer, or MWDT) and one in the RTC module...
  • While the hardware and software watchdog timers of the ESP8266 are essential, they are not sufficient to ensure the kind of reliability needed in an IoT device.
  • The interrupt watchdog is enabled by default via the CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT configuration flag. What happens when ESP32 is connected to OpenOCD?
  • Ich hatte dann mit zusätzlicher Hardware (einem ATtiny85 + einem P-Kanal MOSFET) einen externen Watchdog aufgebaut der vom ESP32 getriggert wurde.
  • The objective of this post is to analyse some of the watchdog functions available on the Arduino IDE libraries for the ESP8266. ... ESP32 (372).