• In it, he also explains that "Mark Twain" was the call made when the boat was in safe water, indicating a depth of two (or twain) fathoms (12 feet or 3.7 metres).
  • Bazı gezi yazıları ve makaleler yazarak çeşitli eyaletleri dolaştı. Mark Twain adıyla imzaladığı ilk makalesi Carson’dan Mektup adlı makalesiydi.
  • Mark Twain was a man of exceeding influence. He is oft quoted, oft misquoted, and a historic figure with a very broad array of knowledge and wisdom.
  • Asıl adı Samuel Langhorne Clemens olan Mark Twain, 30 Kasım 1835 tarihinde ABD’nin Missouri eyaletine bağlı bir köyde doğmuştur.
  • The pseudonym Mark Twain first appeared at the end of a dispatch from Carson City to The Territorial Enterprise magazine on February 3, 1883.
  • Mark Twain became one of the most famous writers in America at the age of thirty-four, yet he was insecure about his social and financial status.
  • You are viewing the article Mark Twain at Tnhelearning.edu.vn you can quickly access the necessary information in the table of contents of the article below.
  • Çocukluğu Mississipi nehrinin batısındaki küçük bir kasabada geçen Mark Twain, yaşamı boyunca birçok mesleğe girip çıkmıştır.
  • VOICE TWO: And I’m Bob Doughty with People in America in VOA Special English. Today we tell about one of America’s best-known writers, Mark Twain.
  • And as Ernest Hemingway wisely observed: "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.""