• Bash, short for Bourne-Again Shell, is a Unix shell and a command language interpreter.
  • Bash is the GNU Project's shell—the Bourne Again SHell. ... In addition, most sh scripts can be run by Bash without modification.
  • Here’s a comprehensive step-by-step guide to get you started with Bash
  • Bash script geliştirmek için fazlasıyla güçlü ve kullanışlı bir parçadır.
  • Bash, Brian Fox tarafından GNU Projesi için Bourne kabuğuna özgür yazılım alternatifi olarak yazılmış, Unix ve benzeri işletim sistemlerinde kullanılan komut satırı kabuğu...
  • Bash shell programming empowers Linux users to take programmatic control over the Linux operating system. The bash shell provides a number of concepts...
  • similar to normal array, but with key-value pairs instead of numerical indexes (similar to a dictionary in Python). only available in Bash 4 onwards.
  • Heavily inspired by the Bourne Shell, Bash means Bourne-again shell and it is one key ingredient of the GNU Project, and probably one of its most successful...
  • Bash, short for Bourne-Again SHell, is a shell program and command language supported by the Free Software Foundation and first developed for the GNU Project...
  • Bash veya Bourne-again shell terminal veya komut yorumlayıcısı olarak adlandırılan alana yazılan komutları yorumlayan komut yorumlayıcısıdır.