• In this guide, you will learn about database transactions, the ACID properties of transactions, and how a transaction is implemented in PostgreSQL.
  • In database management systems, concurrency is related to the records (rows) of database tables, and the guards are transactions.
  • A transaction rollback operation does not persist the partial results of data manipulations within the scope of the transaction to the database.
  • In modern databases transactions also do some other things - like ensure that you can't access data that another person has written halfway.
  • In that case, the remaining inventory needs to be calculated accurately — neither over nor under. Typically, a database transaction is used in such scenarios.
  • A database transaction is used to create, update, or retrieve data. Think of a database transaction as a series of operations performed within a DBMS.
  • Database Transaction is a unit of work performed on a database that consists of one or more individual operations, such as inserting, updating, or deleting data.
  • All the transaction’s database changes between defining the savepoint and rolling back to it are discarded, but changes earlier than the savepoint are kept.
  • By default, if the database provider supports transactions, all changes in a single call to SaveChanges are applied in a transaction.
  • Note regarding Database Transactions: Keep in mind that only database functions are used when determining if the database transaction should be applied.