• Kuhn, T. S. Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894-1912.
  • At the core of the Tom Kuhn Custom Yo-Yo brand mission is our passion for craftsmanship and artistry that reflect our profound respect for the past...
  • Kuhn’s structure of scientific revolutions was seminal in showing that the prevailing views regarding the skeptical lens of science should maybe be revised.
  • Thomas Kuhn was an American philosopher of science who is known for his contributions to the understanding of scientific revolutions and the concept of paradigms.
  • Lisans sonrası 1943’de Harvard’da bulunan bir radyo araştırma laboratuvarında çalışan Thomas Kuhn İngiltere’de ve Fransa’da radar teknisyeni olarak çalıştı.
  • To this thesis, Kuhn added the controversial ‘incommensurability thesis’, that theories from differing periods suffer from certain deep kinds of failure of comparability.
  • Kuhn, bu çekişmenin yaşlı bilim adamlarının ölmeleriyle son bulabileceğini savunur.
  • Kuhn'un en önemli yapıtı 1962 yılında yayımlanan Bilimsel Devɾimleɾin Yapısı (The Stɾuctuɾe of Scientific Revolutions) adlı kitabıdıɾ.
  • Görüleceği üzere Kuhn en başından, bilimsel kuram ya da teorileri tarih ve tarihteki yeri üzerinden anlama konusunda ısrarcıdır.
  • The Thomas Kuhn Institute examines science from the perspective of how science discovers the world.