• Gardner proposed that the Wheel of the Year was based on an ancient Pagan calendar, which was later corroborated by historical evidence.
  • However, we also have eight solar festivals throughout the year, which are represented by the Wiccan Wheel of the Year.
  • While it is the time of greatest strength of the solar current, it also marks a turning point, for the sun also begins its time of decline as the wheel of the year turns.
  • The Wheel of the Year is a symbol represents the 8 festivals important to many pagans, Wiccans, and witches.
  • The sole purpose of this calendar is to connect with nature and its cycles, so no pantheon or religion is needed to celebrate the wheel of the year.
  • Where does the wheel start? Considering the Wheel of the Year is a circle and truly has no beginning or end, it is often asked when the new year begins.
  • The wheel of the year is a diagram that shows the Sun’s movement through the twelve signs of the tropical zodiac from Aries to Pisces.
  • The Wheel of the Year is a Pagan calendar in which you can observe eight different celebrations, and they are called the 8 Sabbats.
  • The Pagan Wheel of the Year was popularized in the mid 1960s by Gerald Gardner and other precursors of Wicca.
  • The wheel of the year was structured on the basis of the Celtic calendar. It is a wheel divided into 8 parts and each part has a very unique symbolism.