• YAML on GitHub: # github.com/yaml/ YAML Specs: yaml-spec/ YAML 1.2 Grammar: yaml-grammar/ YAML Test Suite: yaml-test-suite/ YAML Issues: issues/.
  • In this article, we will learn everything about YAML. As we all know Today in many tools YAML is used for configuration, so we should know all about YAML.
  • This guide provides you with a brief introduction to the YAML programming language and gives you an understanding of the basics so you can work with YAML files.
  • YAML dil bağımsız bir veri değişim formatıdır. Herhangi bir programlama dili ile oluşturulan nesneler, YAML formatında kolaylıkla temsil edilebilmektedir.
  • YAML is short for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language”, it’s a way of storing basic data structures in human readable form.
  • Objects and lists are important components in yaml and can be mixed. The first example is a list of key-value objects, all people from the Smith family.
  • YAML Basic Syntax. In YAML, the documents are a collection of key-value pairs where the value can be complex as a tree or simple as a string.
  • Bir web uygulamasının ayarlarının tutulduğu bir yapılandırma dosyası YAML formatında olabilir. Ayrıca, YAML veri aktarımında da kullanılabilir.
  • A node in a YAML document can have three basic data types: Scalar Atomic data types like strings, numbers, booleans and null. Sequence A list of nodes.
  • It defines the YAML 1.3 data language. The YAML specification is often seen as overly complicated for something which appears to be so simple.