• Baldur's Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) developed by BioWare and released on November 30, 1998 by Interplay Entertainment.
  • An approach to development that Mark Darrah, former head of the Dragon Age series who joined Bioware during Baldurs Gate development, lambasted after his...
  • Baldur's Gate, BioWare isimli firma tarafından yapılmış bir bilgisayar rol yapma oyunudur (RYO/RPG). 1998 yılında Interplay Entertainment tarafından yayınlanmıştır.
  • Baldur's Gate is a role-playing video game that was developed by BioWare and published in 1998 by Interplay Entertainment.
  • Baldur's Gate is a computer role-playing game developed by BioWare and released in 1998 by Interplay Entertainment.
  • BALDURS GATE II: SHADOWS OF AMN is © TSR, Inc. All rights reserved. The BioWare Infinity Engine is © EA International (Studio and Publishing) Ltd...
  • Baldurs Gate became the best-selling game in the two weeks following its release, moving 175,000 copies in that time and vindicating BioWare’s pre-release...
  • “This was mainly because Baldurs Gate was underdeveloped – no novels, game modules or much at all,” explains James, who is still with BioWare and now in the...