• Аполло́ний Пергский — древнегреческий математик, один из трёх (наряду с Евклидом и Архимедом) великих геометров античности, живших в III веке до н. э.
  • Basilides of Tyre, O Protarchus, when he came to Alexandria and met my father, spent the greater part of his sojourn with him on account of the bond between them...
  • Apollonius bir geometrik cebir ustasıdır, ancak orijinal düşünce zincirini daha az ustalıkla gizleyemez. Bu nedenle kitabını anlamak zor; muhakemesi zarif ve kristal...
  • Apollonius of Perga was a mathematician, known by his contemporaries as “the Great Geometer,” whose treatise Conics is one of the greatest scientific works...