• mkdir {dir1,dir2,dir3,dir4}. ... mkdir –m777 directory_name. Creates a directory and sets full read, write, execute permissions for all users.
  • In Linux there is the command mkdir that can be used to make a directory, or folder if you prefer in the command line.
  • It allows users to create one or more directories at once, specifying the directory names and their paths. The basic syntax of the “mkdir” command is as follows
  • In Windows, we can create directories from command line using the command mkdir(or md). Syntax of this command is explained below.
  • In this beginner series, you’ll learn to use the mkdir command. ... The mkdir command is one of the rare few Linux commands that doesn’t have tons of options.
  • On Unix and Windows (with Command extensions enabled,[15] the default[16]), multiple directories can be specified, and mkdir will try to create all of them.
  • The command that allows you to create directories (also known as folders) is mkdir. This tutorial covers the basics of using the mkdir command...
  • mkdirat() The mkdirat() system call operates in exactly the same way as mkdir(), except for the differences described here.
  • This tutorial introduces mkdir and then discusses several use cases where you can use this command to manage files (and directories) on your Linux system.