• Kingdom of Brycheiniog. ... The main legacy of the kingdom of Brycheiniog is etymological and geographical.
  • Kingdom of Brycheiniog is the smallest of the 21 factions in Viking Conquest, consisting only of Brycheiniog and its villages. It is a Christian Briton kingdom.
  • The small kingdom of Brycheiniog was founded as an offshoot of Dyfed. It was centred on Garth Madryn in the modern Brecon Beacons, with a chief settlement...
  • Brychan of Brycheiniog. Heir to dominant lord ... One of several ‘Galic’ kingdoms in the western mainland. Brycheiniog is an independent kingdom.
  • EBK Home Kingdoms Archaeology Royalty Saints King Arthur Adversaries Mail David. Kings of Brycheiniog A Pre-Conquest Listing.
  • The modern word 'Brecon' is the English version of Brycheiniog. As mentioned, the kingdom was named after King Brychen, which was taken from the word...
  • History The kingdom of Brycheiniog was formed out of the old kingdom of Garth Madrun (believed to have been centred on Talgarth) in the...
  • The official currency of The Kingdom of Brycheiniog is the Ceiniog. At 0 days old, The Kingdom of Brycheiniog is a brand new nation.
  • The Kingdom of Brycheiniog has a story to tell, but can be likened only to a picture puzzle with innumerable pieces – many of them missing.
  • Traces the kings of Brycheiniog (also called Brecknock) from the 7th to the 11th centuries, after the line of Brychan daughtered-out.