• Fate is a 2005 single-player action role-playing game originally released for the PC by WildTangent. Fate was released for the PC Steam client on December 12, 2013.
  • During the golden days of action RPGs, FATE was a powerhouse, winning runner-up for PC Magazine’s Role-Playing Game of the year.
  • Fate is a very funny and amusing game that will make you remember Diablo, and that means that FATE is very good.
  • The game starts in the town of Grove, where on the outskirts of town the ancient Dungeon Gate leads would-be adventurers to multiple levels of fame, fortune...
  • Fate (aka 天命, Tian Ming), a really nice role-playing (rpg) game sold in 2005 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again!
  • Get the latest news and videos for this game daily, no spam, no fuss.
  • During the golden days of action RPGs, FATE was a powerhouse, winning runner-up for PC Magazine’s Role-Playing Game of the year.
  • Fate/Stay Night: Réalta Nua - Unlimited Blade Works (2012).
  • The time has come to take the dare. Rise and test your worth! Step forward and determine your fate!