Что посмотреть
- tripadvisor.com.tr Attraction_Review-g60906-…Make sure to obtain free tickets to the tour of Ford Mansion at the museum across the compound first, as they are first come first served basis.
- nps.gov morr/learn/news/ford-mansion-reopening-…Morristown, NJ – On Saturday, October 5, Morristown National Historical Park's historic Ford Mansion will formally reopen after nearly ten months of meticulous...
- whichmuseum.com museum/ford-mansion-morristown-…The Ford Mansion in Morristown served as the quarters for George Washington and the Continental Army during the 'hard winter' from December 1779 to May 1780.
- youtube.com watchО сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам Условия использования Конфиденциальность Правила...
- en.wikipedia.org File:Ford Mansion Morristown NHP NJ2.jpgThe Ford Mansion in Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, New Jersey, USA.
- virtualglobetrotting.com map/ford-mansion/Several of Mrs. Ford's original furnishings that were in the mansion during Washington's stay are on display, as well as items used by Wasington's officers.
- morriscountynj.gov Morris-County-News/Ford-…Entry to the Ford Mansion will be on a first-come, first-served basis for up to 20 people per ranger-guided tour throughout the day.
- news.yahoo.com news/morristown-mansion-where-…Both the Ford Mansion-Washington's Headquarters Museum and Jockey Hollow sites are also getting accessibility upgrades in compliance with the Americans with...
- maps.roadtrippers.com us/morristown-nj/points-of-…Ford Mansion and Museum is an Other Historical spot in Morristown.
- yelp.com biz/fords-mansion-morristownBu sayfanın açıklaması webmaster tarafindan gizlenmiştir.
- pinterest.com njhistory/ford-mansion-morristown-…The Ford Mansion in Morristown, NJ was General George Washington's headquarters during the winter of 1779 and 1780.
- alyssajcori.com 2014/07/back-in-time-fords-…I visited Ford’s Mansion in Morristown, NJ which Washington used as his headquarters during the winter of 1779-1780.
Ford Mansion
Краткая информация
Также известный как Штаб-квартира Вашингтона, это классический американский дом 18 века, расположенный по адресу 30 Washington Place в Морристауне, штат Нью-Джерси, который служил штаб-квартирой генерала Джорджа Вашингтона с декабря 1779 по июнь 1780 года во время Американской войны за независимость.
- Дата постройки:1774 год