• Gradle Build Tool accelerates developer productivity. Gradle is the open source build system of choice for Java, Android, and Kotlin developers.
  • From the creators of Gradle Build Tool. ... Gradle Build Tool is downloaded over 30 million times a month by developers around the world.
  • To be able to do so, we are using build.gradle file for implementing those libraries that help us build our apps, by specifying their unique package names and versions.
  • This is an open-source site for all Gradle community matters, including governance, artwork, events, and public infrastructure.
  • Release announcements, tips, and events to improve your developer productivity using Gradle, Maven, and Gradle Enterprise.
  • Learn what is Gradle and why do we use Gradle. Read on to find out Gradle's core concepts and features explained with a demo.
  • In Gradle, Builds consist of one or more projects and each project consists of one or more tasks. A project in Gradle can be assembling a jar, war, or even a zip file.
  • Adaptable, fast automation for all. Contribute to gradle/gradle development by creating an account on GitHub.
  • Because Gradle follows a convention over configuration approach, it is possible to describe all of these build phases in short configuration files.