• The 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition (in Catalan: Exposició Universal de Barcelona and Exposición Universal de Barcelona in Spanish)...
  • It ran from 8th April to 9th December 1888. The 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition was opened by King Alfonso XIII of Spain and his mother Maria Christina...
  • Bureau Intetnational des Expositions. ×. Expos. ... Official Designation. Universal Exhibition of Barcelona 1888.
  • Well, the 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition is a historical milestone. It’s an event that catapults Barcelona to the world stage.
  • Barcelona’s Universal Exposition of 1888 did not feature a unified architectural scheme, as the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago would five years later.
  • 1 peseta per day, 25 pesetas for season ticket. Photo top center: General view of the Universal Exposition, 1888, La Exposicion Official Diary.
  • ...Համաշխարհային ցուցահանդես; 巴塞罗那万国博覽會; Exposition Universal de Barcelona; Exposición Universal de Barcelona; バルセロナ万国博覧会 (1888年.
  • The 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition is one of the key events in the city’s recent history, and its memory is preserved in the extraordinary documentary...
  • On the 20th of May 1888, the Queen Regent Maria Cristina and Alfonse XIII presided over the opening ceremony of the great Universal Exposition in the salon of...
  • Century: 19th. Exposicion universal de barcelona 1888. 20 mayo 1888. Subject: Portrait.
  • The 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition took place in an area of 380,000 square meters, where the Arc de Triomf was the entrance.
  • Be it as it may, one fact does stand undisputed: the huge influence of Barcelona’s 1888 Universal Exposition in making this new art known to the Barcelonan...
  • This beautiful Arc de Triomf was built for the 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition, which took place at the Parc de la Ciutadella.