• The Royal Basilica of Saint Francis the Great (Spanish: Real Basílica de San Francisco el Grande) is a Roman Catholic church in central Madrid, Spain...
  • The building was extensively renovated in the 17th century and declared a royal basilica by Philip III.
  • ...Basílica de San Francisco el Grande (Basilica of Saint Francis the Great) — as much a place of Catholic worship as it is a temple paying homage to Spanish art.
  • One of the most remarkable features of the Royal Basilica of Saint Francis the Great is its magnificent dome, which provides breathtaking views of the...
  • What is the Basilica of Saint Francis?Imagine stepping into a place where art meets devotion, a sanctuary that has stood for centuries as a testament.
  • This Basilica is located in Palace neighborhood, just few blocks away from the Royal Palace. There is a nice rose garden with a view just next to the Basilica.
  • Once for the self-guided walking tour and once to spend time just in the main church / nave with all the art. More. Royal Basilica of Saint Francis the Great.
  • The Royal Basilica of Saint Francis is an important church that is known for its architectural delight.
  • ...Reale di San Francesco il Grande; San Frantzisko Handiaren Errege Basilika; Real Basílica de San Francisco el Grande; Royal Basilica of Saint Francis.