• The Torres de Quart or Puerta de Quart (also called de Cuarte) is one of the two remaining gates of the old Valencia city wall. It was built between 1441 and 1493.
  • Las Torres de Quart fueron clave para parar las tropas napoleónicas durante la Guerra de la Independencia contras los franceses en 1808.
  • Torres de Quart or Quart Gate, also known as de Cuarte, is one of two remaining old city gates. It is located about 850 metres west from the main city square.
  • Las Torres de Quart son una de las dos puertas de la muralla bajomedieval que conserva València, además de las Torres de los Serranos.
  • Torres de Quart seen from the streets of Valencia. ... history from up close, climbing the steps of the Towers and enjoying the panoramic view over the old quarters.
  • Torres de Quart. Tourist Attractions: Monument Century: XV. Style: Gothic Itinerary: El Carmen. Category: main attraction. Quart Towers.
  • Torres de Quart. + − i. Main image. ... Cool lofts valencia. Accommodation. Quart youth hostel.
  • Torres de Serranos and Torres de Quart, which are among the best panoramic views of Valencia, enchant visitors with their historical texture and magnificent views.
  • Quart Towers, in Spanish “Torres de Quart,” are one of the twelve gates of the ancient wall that surrounded the old city of Valencia.
  • Discover everything you need to know about Quart Towers (Torres de Quart), Valencia including history, facts, how to get there and the best time to visit.