• Re-enactors wearing kosode at the Jidai Matsuri in 2011. Comparison between a kosode (left) and a modern-day kimono (right).
  • Translation: kosode (a short sleeved kimono) hands. Appearance: Kosode no te appear in short sleeved kimonos formerly owned by prostitutes.
  • While up until then, the kimono had large wrist openings to the full sleeve width and was called Osode, kosode has small wrist openings.
  • In nō and kyōgen, kosode are worn by male and female characters of men and women of all ages both as an under-robe or as an outer-robe.
  • The kosode was originally an undergarment which came out from under the karaginu-mo during the Kamakura period (1172-1333 CE) and transitioned to outerwear.
  • Firma Adı: KOSODE BY AKTEN TURGUT TEKSTİL SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. Kayıtlı E-Posta Adresi: kosode@hs01.kep.tr.
  • But in as much as the custom of wearing the uchi-kake has become obsolete, the name kosode has come to be limited to quilted-silk garments only.
  • The literal meaning of the term kosode is "small sleeve," which refers to the sleeve opening. Kosode are T-shaped and roomy in cut and more than full-length.
  • Kosode is the standard unisex garment in the Sengoku period, the kosode was the precursor to the kimono. The kosode had a shorter length...
  • >kosode ), worn by women as an outer garment, was introduced in the Muromachi period (Ashikaga shogunate; 1338–1573).