• Supporting Carpenters' Hall keeps a historic landmark open free to the public, sharing its essential role in the formation of the United States, as it has since 1857.
  • Карпентерс-холл — здание профессиональной гильдии плотников в историческом центре Филадельфии, первой столицы Соединённых Штатов Америки.
  • Carpenters' Hall commemorative stamp issued on the 200th anniversary in 1974.
  • Король Георг III проигнорировал эту петицию, в результате чего второй континентальный конгресс собрался в Индепенденс-холле.
  • Оттуда Карпентерс-холл находится недалеко от того места, где проходил 1-й Континентальный конгресс.
  • Carpenters' Hall was the largest rental space in Philadelphia for many years following the building's completion in 1774.
  • Carpenters' Hall, home to the Carpenters' Company trade guild, served as the meeting place of the First Continental Congress.
  • CarpentersHall’s ground-floor exhibition area is accessible to wheelchair users, but bathrooms are located on the second floor and are only reachable by stairs.
  • CarpentersHall was built in 1770 by the Carpenters’ Company, the oldest extant craft guild in the United States, founded in 1724.