• benim önerim; sabah 09:00'da galleria borghese 'yi gezdikten sonra piazza di spagna 'da öğle yemeği, spanish steps derken rehberli bir turla villa medici'yi gezmek...
  • A14 otoyolu çıkışına sadece 1 km uzaklıktaki Hotel Villa Medici, Lanciano'ya arabayla 10 dakikalık mesafededir.
  • The Villa Medici gardens, like the villa Borghese that adjoins them, were far more accessible than the formal palaces such as Palazzo Farnese, in the heart of.
  • Villa Medici ( İtalyanca: Villa Medici ), Roma'daki Trinita dei Monti kilisesi ve ünlü İspanyol Merdivenleri yakınlarındaki Roma Pincio tepesinin yamacında yer alan bir villadır .
  • Intended to be a setting for intellectual life rather than a working Villa, Villa Medici was constructed to be a demonstration of aesthetic and ideological values.
  • In June 2013, Villa Medici in Fiesole became part of the UNESCO heritage. *(Source: Donata Mazzini, Simone Martini, Villa Medici a Fiesole.
  • The French Academy in Rome is an Academy located in the Villa Medici, within the Villa Borghese, on the Pincio in Rome, Italy.
  • The Villa Medici at Poggio a Caiano was built by Lorenzo de' Medici, designed by architect Giuliano da Sangallo and built between 1445 and 1520.
  • Villa Medici plan Cosimo the Elder started to build Villa Medici at Fiesole in 1451 and it was completed in 1456.
  • The Villa Medici, founded by Ferdinando I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany and now property of the French State, has housed the French Academy in Rome...