• Vampire spawn live wherever their masters demand. When free of any master, they tend to roam in packs through slums or other urban areas that wouldn’t notice a...
  • Besides true vampires, vampire spawn were often known to serve a variety of powerful undead, such as atropals and skull lords.
  • I was wondering how Vampire Spawn work exactly because they are "under the control of the vampire that created them" pg296 of the MM.
  • Retrieved from "http://trapquest.com//wiki/index.php?title=Vampire_Spawn&oldid=2996".
  • Vampire spawn1 are humanoid undead created by vampires after they either drain a victim's blood or energy.2. This page is a stub.
  • Vampire Spawn with Class. By Skip Williams. This column aims to provide players with tips on creating effective and interesting characters of various types.
  • Good holy items, and garlic, inflict a -1d6 die penalty to any attribute check made by a vampire spawn vampire if within 10' of the offending object.
  • The vampire spawn takes 20 radiant damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on skill checks and saving throws.
  • When Vampire Spawn enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life. Unsuccessful vampire hunters often wind up as ravenous spawn.