• Chaoborus adults do not bite mammals or suck blood. Larvae live in open waters and even sediments, where there may be little oxygen for them to breathe.
  • two larval stages (3)(8). Diel vertical migrations of Chaoborus can be easily tracked in lakes using sonar with a frequency of 50-200 KHz.
  • In today's world, Chaoborus, whether as a topic of debate, as a relevant character or as an emblematic date, has acquired significant importance in various areas.
  • North American species are. Chaoborus s. str., species with unmarked wings and uniformly pale legs. Chaoborus americanus Johannsen 1903.
  • Chaoborus LinkOut Click on organism name to get more information. Chaoborus albatus LinkOut.
    • Chaoborus albatus Johnson, 1921
    • Chaoborus americanus (Johannsen, 1903)
    • Chaoborus astictopus Dyar ve Shannon, 1924
  • Adult chaoborus crystallinus are aerial and are found in swarms, usually in areas close to their breeding freshwater sources, often at dusk or after sunset.
  • With a capture movement close to 14 MS, the larva of Chaoborus integrates the Club of the fastest attack movements of the Animal Kingdom.