• Vagrant is a simple and easy to use tool that makes it really easy to manage virtual machines from the command-line interface.
  • If you're familiar with VirtualBox or GNOME Boxes, then learning Vagrant is easy. Vagrant is a simple and clean interface for working with virtual machines.
  • Tüm bu problemleri Vagrant ile kolaylıkla çözebiliriz. vagrant-are-you-still-develop-in-a-nonvirtual-environment-6-638 Vagrant Nedir?
  • VVV requires recent versions of both Vagrant and VirtualBox to be installed. Vagrant is a “tool for building and distributing development environments”.
  • 6.1No ping between host and vagrant box (host-only networking). 6.2Virtual machine is not network accessible from the Arch host OS.
  • Because ultimately every developer will be setting up his own test environment locally in his/her system. These are the problems, that vagrant is trying to solve.
  • This quick tutorial is going to cover about Vagrant Command-Line interface through which almost all interaction with Vagrant is done.
  • Vagrant Download Link: https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/1.9.2/vagrant_1.9.2.msi. Install the Vagrant it is very easy to install and then restart your machine.
  • Vagrant is an open-source tool that allows you to create, configure, and manage boxes of virtual machines through an easy to use command interface.