• The Mutianyu Great Wall is a segment of the Great Wall of China situated in the Huairou District, located about 70 kilometers to the northeast of Beijing.
  • Explore the Great Wall with China Travel. The Great Wall is definitely a must for any travelers to Beijing.
  • How much do you know about the Great Wall of China? Why was it built, are there bodies buried in it, and can you really see the Wall from outer space?
  • Great Wall of China. A friend of our interpreter Elena suggested an interesting section of the Wall few tens of kilometers to the East — Huanghuacheng.
  • The Badaling (八达岭) Great Wall section is situated 80 km northwest Beijing. This is the best preserved and most visited section of the Great Wall of China.
  • There is nothing more iconic in Chinese history than the Great Wall of China. It is considered one of the Wonders of the World and with good reason!
  • How much do you know about it? When, where, and why was the Great Wall of China built, and how long, how big, and how tall is it?
  • A symbol of ancient Chinese civilization, the Great Wall of China is one of the world’s oldest and most magnificent man-made scenes, which can even be seen...
  • Fears raised as 'one third' of China's Great Wall disappears CNN - July 2, 2015 It was originally built to defend an empire, but now parts of the Great Wall of...
  • The ancient Chinese civilization’s creative thinking, tenacity, and ambition are perfectly demonstrated by the Great Wall of China, which is frequently cited as...